
III International Seminar "Tourism and Special Planning" - 11-12 November - Lisbon - Portugal

tourism development, conflicts and planning
TERRiTUR – Tourism, Culture and Space Research Unit
CEG – Centre of Geographical Studies



Tourism Conference 2011, University of Surrey, June 28, 2011 – July 1, 2011

Advancing the Social Science of Tourism
Conference Website
Please visit www.surrey.ac.uk/tourism2011




Leadership in the Multicultural World - 7th Conference International Academy for Intercultural Research Hosted By Center for Creative Leadership 24 July 2011 Singapore

World Media Economics & Management Conference 2012 23 May 2012 thessaloniki Greece

October 2010

11 Management of Knowledge Marbella Spain
You have a zest to understand yourself and humans!You want to become a strong personality with a rock-solid integrity! You want the best possible life &business success and personal fulfillment!
20 Professional Training Facts 2010 Stuttgart Germany
20 IV SELICUP conference Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts Palma de Mallorca Spain
26 VCOBAM 2010 - 2nd Virtual Conference on Business and Management ONLINE

November 2010

03 Economic and Managerial Aspects of e-health (special session in ITAB 2010 conference) Corfu Greece
09 IASK International Conference *Advances in Tourism Research* Oviedo Spain
09 2nd Annual Financial Shared Services Barcelona Spain
11 Waterworlds: Tourism development, conflicts and planning Lisbon Portugal
24 IV International Tourism Congress:The Image and Sustainability of Tourist Destinations Peniche Portugal
28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany

April 2011

04 Pipeline Technology Conference Hanover Germany
07 Kids Marketing -Trends on Children Consumer Behaviour and Marketing to Kids Porto Portugal
10 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
27 International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2011) Rhodes Greece

June 2011

22 The Tenth IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems ~EuroPES 2011~ Crete Greece

July 2011

24 NEW Leadership in the Multicultural World - 7th Conference International Academy for Intercultural Research Hosted By Center for Creative Leadership Singapore

August 2011

01 8th Annual International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management – Marketing – Economic Aspects Athens Greece

October 2011

26 International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies - Algarve 2011 Faro Portugal

May 2012

23 NEW World Media Economics & Management Conference 2012 thessaloniki Greece


7th ATLAS Business Tourism Conference - 14 - 17 November 2010

7th ATLAS Business Tourism Conference

Business Tourism Education and Research in Times of Change

14 - 17 November 2010
Estoril, Portugal

Call for papers
The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended until September 30th 2010.
Paper proposals are welcome on any aspect of Conferences, Exhibitions, Incentive Travel, or Business Travel, including:

Business tourism destination marketing.
The planning and design of business events.
The distribution networks for business events.
The design and operations of conference and exhibition venues.
Business tourism trends.
Co-operation between companies operating in the meetings and business events industry and educational institutions.
The role of business events in the marketing mix.
Service quality in the meetings and business events industry.
Examples of original initiatives in the field of teaching or researching meetings and business events or examples of co-operation between employers and educational institutions.
If you wish to submit a paper proposal, please go the website via www.atlas-euro.org and fill in the form. The abstract should have a maximum of 250 words. The deadline for the reception of abstracts is September 15th 2010.

More information about the meeting can also been found at www.atlas-euro.org.

ATLAS online bookshop at

Tourism Geographies Group meeting
European Regional Perspectives on Tourism Geographies –
Contrasting Research Approaches and Linguistic Traditions
Tarragona, Spain
October 14, 2010

The Doctoral Colloquium & Poster Session
Limassol, Cyprus
November 2, 2010

ATLAS annual conference 2010
Mass tourism vs. niche tourism
Limassol, Cyprus
November 3 - 5, 2010

Business Tourism meeting
Advances in Business Tourism Education and Research
Estoril, Portugal
November 14-17, 2010

Tourism Geographies Group meeting
The Changing World of Coastal, Island and Tropical Tourism
Martinique, French West Indies
January 27-29, 2011

ATLAS Africa conference 2011
Sustainable tourism and environmental education: A natural link
Kampala, Uganda
June 6-8, 2011

ATLAS annual conference 2011
Tourism and landscapes
Valmiera, Latvia
September 21-23, 2011


Conferences Alert - Sept 2010 till Oct 2011

September 2010

02 11th Conference on Knowledge Management Vila Nova Famalicao Portugal
10 Tourism and Seductions of Difference: 1st Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network Conference Lisbon Portugal
10 Seductions of Sameness: tourism and everyday practices Lisbon Portugal
15 Narratives and Innovation Karlsruhe Germany
27 3rd International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing - BPSC 2010 Leipzig Germany

October 2010

11 NEW Management of Knowledge Marbella Spain
You have a zest to understand yourself and humans!You want to become a strong personality with a rock-solid integrity! You want the best possible life &business success and personal fulfillment!
20 IV SELICUP conference Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts Palma de Mallorca Spain
26 VCOBAM 2010 - 2nd Virtual Conference on Business and Management ONLINE

November 2010

03 Economic and Managerial Aspects of e-health (special session in ITAB 2010 conference) Corfu Greece
09 IASK International Conference *Advances in Tourism Research* Oviedo Spain
09 NEW 2nd Annual Financial Shared Services Barcelona Spain
11 Waterworlds: Tourism development, conflicts and planning Lisbon Portugal
24 IV International Tourism Congress:The Image and Sustainability of Tourist Destinations Peniche Portugal
28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany

April 2011

07 Kids Marketing -Trends on Children Consumer Behaviour and Marketing to Kids Porto Portugal
10 NEW European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
27 International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2011) Rhodes Greece

June 2011

22 The Tenth IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems ~EuroPES 2011~ Crete Greece

October 2011

26 NEW International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies - Algarve 2011 Faro Portugal

Conferences Alert - Sept 2010 till Ouct 2011

September 2010

02 11th Conference on Knowledge Management Vila Nova Famalicao Portugal
10 Tourism and Seductions of Difference: 1st Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network Conference Lisbon Portugal
10 Seductions of Sameness: tourism and everyday practices Lisbon Portugal
15 Narratives and Innovation Karlsruhe Germany
27 3rd International Conference on Business Process and Services Computing - BPSC 2010 Leipzig Germany

October 2010

11 NEW Management of Knowledge Marbella Spain
You have a zest to understand yourself and humans!You want to become a strong personality with a rock-solid integrity! You want the best possible life &business success and personal fulfillment!
20 IV SELICUP conference Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts Palma de Mallorca Spain
26 VCOBAM 2010 - 2nd Virtual Conference on Business and Management ONLINE

November 2010

03 Economic and Managerial Aspects of e-health (special session in ITAB 2010 conference) Corfu Greece
09 IASK International Conference *Advances in Tourism Research* Oviedo Spain
09 NEW 2nd Annual Financial Shared Services Barcelona Spain
11 Waterworlds: Tourism development, conflicts and planning Lisbon Portugal
24 IV International Tourism Congress:The Image and Sustainability of Tourist Destinations Peniche Portugal
28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany

April 2011

07 Kids Marketing -Trends on Children Consumer Behaviour and Marketing to Kids Porto Portugal
10 NEW European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany
27 International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2011) Rhodes Greece

June 2011

22 The Tenth IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems ~EuroPES 2011~ Crete Greece

October 2011

26 NEW International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies - Algarve 2011 Faro Portugal

Science Tourism came back again....

Caros colegas e bloggers!
Depois de umas breves férias, voltámos com nova cara.
Bom ano académico!

Dear colleagues and bloggers

After a briefly break we came back with a new look!

Good academic year!


Alqueva: que princípios para a constituição de um destino turístico?

O turismo assume um papel cada vez mais relevante nos domínios económico-social, o qual é reconhecido através da sua integração nas prioridades das políticas de desenvolvimento nacionais, regionais e locais. Sublinhe-se o facto, deste sector contribuir aproximadamente para a criação de 219 milhões de empregos directos e indirectos, correspondendo a cerca de 7,6% do total mundial, bem como por 9,4% do PIB mundial. Apesar da quebra de optimismo provocada pela actual crise económico-financeira, as projecções e tendências para a actividade turística são de menor pessimismo, na medida em que segundo a Organização Mundial de Turismo, em 2009 o sector do turismo sofrerá uma ligeira quebra, entre 1% a 2%, no indicador das chegadas turísticas internacionais aos aeroportos. Portugal surge em 19.º lugar no ranking mundial dos destinos turísticos, registando em 2007, cerca de 12,3 milhões de chegadas turísticas internacionais aos aeroportos, reflectindo-se em 7.652 milhões de euros de receitas turísticas. No caso da região Alentejo, desde a década de 90 do século passado, regista-se uma assinalável ascensão na sua representatividade e competitividade turísticas, traduzindo em 2008, segundo dados publicados pelo INE, pouco mais de 1 milhão de dormidas nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros e cerca de 200 mil dormidas em estabelecimentos de Turismo no Espaço Rural.
O Alentejo, dadas as peculiares características territoriais e culturais, deverá gizar a sua afirmação turística planeando e construindo um destino integrado na óptica da sustentabilidade dos seus recursos e na capacidade de identificar e projectar os seus reais elementos diferenciadores. Neste sentido, a singularidade provocada pelo surgimento do maior lago artificial da Europa propiciou um desafio para os diversos stakeholders da actividade turística regional, provocando a legítima expectativa de potenciar a criação de um destino turístico no Alqueva. No entanto, será premente acautelar que para a conceptualização de um destino dever-se-á identificar e caracterizar o espaço territorial mediante a análise da sua homogeneidade em termos geográficos (na qual se incluem as acessibilidades e sinalética); constituir uma oferta turística estruturada (na perspectiva do visitante será importante ter em conta que, o produto global que se proporciona incorpora uma experiência complexa que se baseia nos recursos oferecidos pelos agentes turísticos locais e outros serviços e produtos locais) e não menos importante promover uma comercialização conjunta e agregada de todas as componentes da oferta turística local.
Tais premissas de análise deverão, no caso da área territorial do Alqueva merecer o devido diagnóstico e empenhamento, pelo que, será necessário garantir que a sua sustentabilidade enquanto destino turístico se pautará pela promoção da qualidade de vida das comunidades residentes nas vertentes económica, social e ambiental, bem como, na garantia da constituição de um destino competitivo no contexto nacional e internacional que resulte na satisfação de todos os actores desse destino, a saber: - visitantes, residentes, empresários turísticos, órgãos governamentais e não governamentais. Particularizando a análise na estruturação de um futuro destino turístico do Alqueva, julga-se que um dos elementos catalisadores para a sua diferenciação será a garantia de qualidade ambiental. Não obstante, alguns especialistas e investigadores sublinham que a qualidade ambiental tende a diminuir à medida que o destino turístico avança nas fases do seu ciclo de vida (Exploração, Desenvolvimento, Consolidação e Estagnação). Este padrão de evolução cria uma situação insustentável caracterizada por problemas ambientais, sociais e económicos. Tendo em consideração todos estes e outros aspectos de análise para a constituição de um destino turístico em Alqueva, dever-se-á indubitavelmente garantir a adopção dos princípios consignados pela Carta Europeia de Turismo Sustentável.
Jaime Serra (2009)


One of the first main tech revolutions....

Conferences Alert (IV)

May 2010

29 PM-05 Heraklion Greece

June 2010

03 LCBR European Marketing Conference 2010 Munich Germany
Present your research to a global audience ofmarketing experts. Papers (marketing or closelyrelated fields) are considered for journal & bookpublications.Sponsored by the Lupcon Center for Business Research.
08 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2010) Funchal, Madeira Portugal
21 CIT2010 – International Congress on Tourism - Heritage and Innovation Porto Portugal
23 Heritage 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Evora Portugal
24 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies Madrid Spain

July 2010

01 7th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics Samos Island Greece
11 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV) Lisbon Portugal
15 8th ICICTH - International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health Samos Island Greece
15 8th International Conference on ICT in Health (ICICTH) Samos 2010 Samos Island Greece

August 2010

02 7th Annual International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management - Marketing - Economic Aspects Athens Greece
26 Medical Tourism between Countries of the Former USSR and Germany An Overview and an Introduction to German Healthcare Berlin Germany

September 2010

02 11th Conference on Knowledge Management Vila Nova Famalicao Portugal
10 Tourism and Seductions of Difference: 1st Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network Conference Lisbon Portugal
10 Seductions of Sameness: tourism and everyday practices Lisbon Portugal
15 Narratives and Innovation Karlsruhe Germany

October 2010

20 IV SELICUP conference Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture: Spaces and Contexts Palma de Mallorca Spain
26 NEW VCOBAM 2010 - 2nd Virtual Conference on Business and Management ONLINE

November 2010

03 NEW Economic and Managerial Aspects of e-health (special session in ITAB 2010 conference) Corfu Greece
28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany

April 2011

27 International Conference on Tourism (ICOT 2011) Rhodes Greece

June 2011

22 The Tenth IASTED European Conference on Power and Energy Systems ~EuroPES 2011~ Crete Greece

I Conferência Internacional de Direito do Turismo do Algarve - 7 de Maio


INVTUR 2010 University of Aveiro

Dear followers!
1st day of INVTUR - over 700 participants
follow me on twitter!
twitter page: serrajaime


Conferences Alert (III)

February 2010

24 International Oil, Gas and Energy Conference 2010 Berlin Germany

March 2010

10 INVTUR 2010 – Tourism Research: State of the Art and Future Perspectives Aveiro Portugal

23 NEW Private Banking Asia 2010 Singapore

April 2010

22 International Conference on Sustainable Tourism: Issues, Debates & Challenges Crete & Santorini Greece

June 2010

03 NEW LCBR European Marketing Conference 2010 Munich Germany
Present your research to a global audience ofmarketing experts. Papers (marketing or closelyrelated fields) are considered for journal & bookpublications.Sponsored by the Lupcon Center for Business Research.

21 CIT2010 – International Congress on Tourism - Heritage and Innovation Porto Portugal

23 Heritage 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Evora Portugal

24 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies Madrid Spain

July 2010

01 7th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics Samos Island Greece
11 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV) Lisbon Portugal
15 8th ICICTH - International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health Samos Island Greece
15 8th International Conference on ICT in Health (ICICTH) Samos 2010 Samos Island Greece

August 2010

02 7th Annual International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management - Marketing - Economic Aspects Athens Greece

September 2010

02 NEW 11th Conference on Knowledge Management Vila Nova Famalicao Portugal
10 Tourism and Seductions of Difference: 1st Tourism-Contact-Culture Research Network Conference Lisbon Portugal
15 Narratives and Innovation Karlsruhe Germany

November 2010

28 European Conference for Academic Disciplines Gottenheim near Freiburg Germany


Conferência Internacional INVTUR 2010 – 10-13 de Março 2010 - Universidade de Aveiro

keynote speakers:
Alan Fyall, Universidade de Bournemouth
Alfonso Vargas Sánchez,Universidade de Huelva
Chris Cooper, Universidade de Oxford Brookes
Dimitrios Buhalis, Universidade de Bournemouth
Geoffrey Wall, Universidade de Waterloo
John Tribe, Universidade de Surrey
Lionello Punzo, Universidade de Siena
